Phone: 9100437147


To provide and protect medical and health care

To provide and protect medical and health care by way of establishing and maintaining Homes of hopes for the orphans and destitute. (ii) for the physically handicapped, polio affected, crippled and abandoned children (iii) Home of hope & care for the aged senior citizen of the trust, (iv) blind,dumb and deaf people.(v) Providing improved environment care and food by establishing creches,Balwadis etc.,(vi) Financial and medical helps to widows

Promoting & establishing old aged homes

To care and geriatric care by promoting & establishing old aged homes for both men and women by providing improved environment care , food shelter , health care etc., for the needy people.

health programmes free clinics sanitation’s pure drinking water

To sponsor and conduct community health programmes free clinics sanitation’s pure drinking water , maternity & Child care programmes and undertake integreted child development programmes , Provide medical nursing and other financial support to poor patients.To establish and maintain educational institutions and imparting knowledge and promoting education at all levels in arts, commerce, fine arts , science & technology law ,medicine , engineering other vocational trades skills and disciplines to all.

To arrange and conduct mass contact programmes

To arrange and conduct mass contact programmes , adult education campaigns, lectures, seminars,workshops,symposiums and to arrange all type of educational programmes/avenues by class room audio,video, radio,TV and other one-to-one contact programmes / techniques in all branches of knowledge

self-reliance and self-employment

To Inculcate the need and progate the importance of self-reliance and self-emploment b y establishing small and marginal farmers,artisans , agriculture and non-agriculture labourers,womens , and chid laborers and workers from among the neeby downtrodden and poor sections of the trust.

To establish and maintain educational indtitutions and imparting knowledge and promoting education at all levels in arts, commorce, fine arts , science & technolgy law ,medicine , engineering other vocational trades skills and disciplines to all To arrange and conduct mass contact programmes , adult education campaigns, lectures, seminars,workshops,symposiums and to arrange all type of educational programmes/avemues by class room audio,video,redio,TV and other one-to-one contact programmes / techniques in all branches of knowledge To undetake and encourage all type o f formal and Non-formal education programmes by establishing educational and trainings institutions and offering scholarships and awards to meritorious and needy stidents, to promote caltural programmes and encourage artists in varioes branches of fine arts To establish and maintain hospitals,clinics,Nursing homes etc., in fulfillment of the above objectives and goals To undertake projects relating to intergrated rural development aimed at total developments of rural masses, the landless, Homeless , Urban slum dwellers and unemployed people

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